Have you ever felt a wild urge inside your being to unleash the unique superhero that lives inside?
Maybe this urge is so strong it feels like frustration…
Maybe it is gentle and nudges you in your dreams…
Maybe the stresses of everyday life are louder than the urge to break through…
If you have NO idea what I am talking about, I can relate.
Honestly, it was my beloved angel dog “Bodacious” (aka. Bodes) that finally got through to me. One day, when I was drowning in the physical and emotional challenges that had overwhelmed my reality, he changed my life forever.
I remember how helpless and disconnected from life I felt as I watched “Bodes” absorbed in play that day. He was pulsing with life force, absorbed in the magnificence of nature and adventure. I felt so separate from his experience; I was consumed by thoughts about how lucky he was to be a wild black lab instead of a human being facing the stresses of life.
All of a sudden he targeted me. It was as if he heard me and the story I was barraging myself with. He playfully began racing laps around me, at points to staring me down and barking at me incessantly. His heart was expanding beyond his body almost knocking me over, slobber was wrapped around his nose, and the fire of life was blazing out of his eyes.
I was frustrated, angry, and tired! First I yelled at him to STOP. Honestly, all I wanted was to get back to the couch for Oprah.
And then it happened, in a split second my frustration flipped into an overwhelming urge to be like him! A surge of energy rushed through my body, I let out a playful cry and started mimicking him. It was the first time I felt ALIVE in years.
Consider for a moment that your inner superhero is longing to break through – freeing the playful, creative, Bodacious nature that lives inside of you.
The time is Now, I invite you into the full experience of the life you were born to live!
Seriously, just “Bust Out & Be RAD”!
Bodacious Life Tips:
- Adventure to your favorite place in nature
The elements of nature carry wisdom and medicine. Playing in nature is one of my favorite ways to charge up and breakthrough.
- Feel the breeze on your skin
- Open your heart to the sunshine
- Move and Breathe – explore and play with nature
2. Plant your Roots
The Latin root of radical is radicalis “or having roots”. Being RAD starts with planting your roots. Just like a seed busting through it’s shell to grow roots to rise and blossom.
- Place your bare feet on the raw earth and/or in wet sand at the oceans edge
- Lightly bend your knees and focus on rooting down to straighten legs – slowly pulse up and down
- Take time for rest and reflection in nature
3. Have Fun
Whether you are facing a crazy yoga pose that eludes you, or a real life challenge, a good sense of humor and playful attitude are the gateway to freedom.
- Receive a deep breath and shake off all tension with a big vocal exhale
- See the hilarious side of the challenge and lighten up with some laughter
- Try something new, playfully bust through what used to limit you
Heather Hollander is a lover of nature and life. Aligned with her dharma to inspire passion and purpose, she founded lifestyle brand Bodacious Living in 2007. Nature Yoga Play is Heather’s favorite way to connect with the magic of life. Adventure with Heather at Wanderlust California for Nature Yoga Play in the Squaw valley Canyons of Lake Tahoe.
Tags: guest scribe, Heather Hollander, inspiration
- See more at: http://journal.wanderlustfestival.com/connect/blog/guest-scribe-heather-hollander-bust-out-and-be-rad#sthash.Y4pWkCDC.dpuf
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